Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Before I get to the title content of this post, I'll fill you in on some nonsense first. Right at this moment I am watching Katy Perry's docufilm "Part of Me". Don't judge me. I adore her, and everything she stands for. And honestly, sometimes songs can be placed at just the right time so you don't give up hope. That might sound really lame and cliche, but moments like those are the reason I haven't completely given up on myself or my dreams of success.

It's no secret to my family, friends, and even some of my coworkers that I am very discontented with my current situation. I hate my job. Sometimes I even LOATHE it. However, when I feel that way my father's words come to mind, "We should all be thankful for our jobs, no matter how crappy they may be." UGH! And I hate that he is right. Let's be blunt here. The economy sucks, and it isn't going to get better any time soon. So yes, my job does suck, but at least I have one. I also completely underestimated how difficult it is to find a job. Kudos to anyone that can even find a decent job these days. I can't even count how many resumes I've sent out. Ridiculous.

So today for the upteenth time, I started searching for more jobs. I also have started to check back to previous places for any new openings. One of those openings was a spot at Shelton's Salon and Spa. Yes. The Shelton Ogle Spa. So I immediately called after seeing the new post and got an interview. For tomorrow! I'm so excited, but so nervous. I know it's a long shot, it's a pretty nice spa, but at least I have the chance to make a good impression. Hopefully the interviewer can see my passion and take a chance on me. That's all I need. The chance.

While I was at work today I got a call, that I couldn't take of course. After I clocked out I called my voicemail. It was the European Wax Center wanting me to call back to schedule an interview. Pretty cool to get two interviews in one day! I would MUCH rather work for Shelton's than EWC, but it's still an option. Most likely EWC will pay me minimum wage, and I can't afford that right now. I don't know how people live off minimum wage. Kudos to you guys who do that.

Anyway, I'll be back with details about the interviews soon. Fingers crossed Shelton's will be my ticket out of my current hole.

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